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Ełk będzie czytane, będzie grane

26 July 2024
Amfiteatr w Ełku, Nadjeziorna
Ełk, warmińsko-mazurskie 19-300 Poland

VII Ełk Literature and Music Festival “Ełk będzie czytane, będzie grane”

Ełk will be read, will be played is a festival that is an opportunity to meet with excellent Polish writers, attend concerts by well-known artists and engage in workshops and animations.


The festival will include meetings with writers such as Anna Rybakiewicz, Zimowit Szczerek, Łukasz Orbitowski, Anna Bikont, Mariusz Szczygieł, Ishbel Szatrawska and Wacław Radziwinowicz. In addition, children can take part in a number of workshops and animations with Edyta Zarębska, Daniel de Latour, Paulina Nowacka and Magda Brzezińska, Marcin Pałasz.

In addition, participants will be treated to:

  • Film screenings including: “Filip” and “Peasants”
  • VR screenings,
  • Urban game,
  • Concerts: Baranovski, Sorry Boys, KULT, IGO.

You are welcome!

Detailed information on the website Ełk będzie czytane, będzie grane

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