The festival of role-playing games and fantasy will take place on Saturday, October 7, 2023 in the Twinpigs Amusement Park in Żory. There will be a lot of RPG games and western climate. Put on your hat, load your revolver and roam the endless prairies with us.
The location allows us to combine the atmosphere of western, American culture, steampunk and the 19th / 20th century with role-playing games and fantasy. But also fans of D&D and Star Wars also have a chance to find something for themselves.
GromFest is for everyone! There is no age or interest restriction. We make every effort to make the convention a pleasant experience for:
You`ll be able try your best in several attractions durind the festival. You could take part in an outdoor game, RPG session and all kinds of workshops. Everyone could play their favorite board games, listen to discussion panels and see exhibitions, either. The organizers have already revealed that the plot of the off-road game will focus on the Indiana Jones trilogy. This perilous journey will require you to be brave, solve puzzles, navigate mazes, read ancient texts and overcome your fears.
More details on the official website of the festival.
Free entrance!