The Rocket Zone

5 days of full of the extraordinary adventures, communing with nature and the best music in Kazimierz Dolny. The 6th edition of the Kazimiernikejszyn Festival took place here at the 17th-21st July.

Year by year to the town are coming people who wants to chill with a beautiful nature and love energetic concerts. First day of this event took place at the main square in Kazimierz Dolny where at the evening was Silent Disco.

The Kazimiernikejszyn could not exist without festival zones. For people who want to calm down a special Boredom Zone has been prepared, in which absolutely nothing happened. A lot of fun was in the special Rocket Zone where Oddechowisko lasted for 4 days, it was also Bumper Balls, Workshops of Laughter, Learning to massage each other or Poduszkolot. There were also Durniej and the possibility of digging in the ball. This year was there the Ground Golf and Cafe Rakieta, too. Something for them was also found by the children, who could play in the Little Zone.

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For enthusiasts of active leisure, there were for example Dziadowskie Paprowędrówki and canoes with the instructors from WAKK Habazie. At the Turquoise House as every year, until the morning was a post-concerts’ after-party.

The most interesting events in Poland on summer. Concerts, Festivals and outdoor events. Jazz, Rock, Reagge, Rap, Hip-Hop, Beer and traditional polish food.

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